Health Tips
Tuesday 2 August 2016

Healthy Food Plans - The Right Food for Weight Loss

Deciding upon several possible healthy food plans is the most important factors in any weight loss program. Let me make one thing very clear though; when you eat MORE foods during the day than your body is actually physically able to burn off you WILL gain weight...
This is the "Scientific Formula" to weight loss. Plain and True.
To stop yourself from gaining weight and actually begin losing weight you must plan a healthier way of eating:

#1) The first step is to start a food journal, all good healthy food plans have you keep a list of all the food you eat throughout the day. You should begin that journal today even before starting your diet. This will give you insight into your eating patterns and help you calculate the amount of food you are consuming.

#2) You need to learn to read the packaging of goods you buy and become familiar with how much a serving size is. Portion Control. You should plan on eating smaller meals more often throughout the day. The recommended amount is 3 to 5 smaller meals during the day. This will help curb your hunger throughout the day by giving you the feeling of being full all day. Also, you should eat your meals slowly as this will help in better digestion.

#3) Water is essential and you must drink about sixty-four ounces of water every day.

#4) Most healthy food plans include food from all of the food groups. This allows you to have a complete diet and receive all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs. To develop healthy food plans you must first learn how many servings of each of the food groups you should have.
  • The fruits group: contains everything from fresh fruit to canned fruit to fruit juice. Healthy food plans contain two to five servings of fruit every day.
  • The vegetable group: includes a vast variety of food from dark greens to salad to onions. Healthy food plans contain three and five servings of vegetables every day. Both fruits and vegetables are an important part of your diet because they contain many of the vitamins and nutrients your body need.
  • The dairy food group: includes foods like milk, cheese and yogurt but be sure to look for products labeled as low fat, fat free or one percent fat because choosing these dairy foods will help with your weight loss. Healthy food plans have two to three servings of dairy every day.
  • The protein food group: includes foods like meat, fish and poultry and you should find meat that is low fat or lean and chicken that is skinless because these contain fewer calories. Healthy food plans have two and three serving of protein a day.
  • The grain group: includes foods like bread, oatmeal and pasts. Instead of purchasing white bread or rice change over to whole wheat bread and brown rice, these foods are high in fiber and help your digestion. Healthy food plans have five and ten servings of grain every day. Fat and sugars should only be used sparingly and not more than three times a day. Fat foods include fried foods, soda, ice cream and butter.
If you make better choices in you diet and eat food from all of the food groups, you will be able to see successful weight loss.
Be smart about the foods you eat. Learn what a serving size is and stick to the recommended levels.


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