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Sunday 23 July 2017
Henry Cavill 'Man of Steel' Workout and Diet

Henry Cavill 'Man of Steel' Workout and Diet

The Henry Cavill Superman workout program

Gym Jones is keeping the exact workout Henry Cavill followed an understandable secret. Mark Twight believes in a personalized approach – a program with periodization modulating volume and intensity over the course of multi-month training cycles. We know it would not be your typical 4×10 gym-rat workout. A Crossfit-type workout gets closer, with it’s “constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement,” but it would need to geared towards greater mass gain.

To approximate Henry Cavill’s Superman workout, we suggest the following programs:

Option 1: A Crossfit football program

Crossfit football is a modified Crossfit program geared to great strength and mass. It combines high intensity movements with a comprehensive strength and speed program.
A typical Crossfit Football workout week looks like this:

Lift 10,000 lbs as fast as possible using only one rep of the following:
  • 1 Squat
  • 1 Press
  • 1 Deadlift

* You can use any weight on the lifts and it can be done in any amount of rounds. You can only do one rep at a time and must cycle through all three lifts to complete one round.
* The goal is to lift 10,000 lbs as fast as possible.

Tuesday: Sprints
  • 8 x 50 yard 
  • Rest 60 seconds

Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
  • 7 DB Bent Over Rows 
  • 7 DB Power Cleans 
  • 7 DB Push Presses
* Use 50lb dumbells

Friday: Complete 5 rounds
You have 60 seconds to complete the following…
  • 20 KB Swings – 2 pood 
  • Sprint 60 yards
* Rest 2 minutes between rounds.

Saturday: As many rounds as possible in 9 minutes of:
  • 3 Back Squats 225 lbs 
  • 6 Pull Ups 
  • 9 Push Ups

Sunday: Rest

Monday: Complete 2 rounds:
  • 1 minute – Max Rep 50 lbs DB Push Press
  • Rest 1 minute
  • 1 minute – Max Rep 50 lbs Weighted Pull Ups
  • Rest 1 minute
  • 1 minute – Row for Calories
  • Rest 1 minute
  • 1 minute – Max Rep Burpees
* Rest 1 minute between rounds.
This is just an example week, every week will bring additional challenges and workouts. Running a high-intensity program like this with a clean mass-gain nutrition regiment (below) should give you Super results

Option 2: The Juggernaut Method

The Juggernaut Method was created by Chad Wesley Smith, owner and head Performance Coach at Juggernaut Training Systems in Laguna Hills, CA. It is a peroidized program divided into 4 waves (reps of 10’s, 8’s, 5’s and 3’s). Each wave is subdivided into three phases: accumulation, intensification, realization. Each workout also has a few crossfit-type athletic routines thrown in – box jumps, sprints and tire flips.
Since the program is geared for strength and mass, it’s designed around four big lifts: Bench Press, Squat, Military Press and Deadlift.
An example day with the Juggernaught method could look like this:

Bench (300 max)
Warm-up complex (jump rope, arm swings, foam roller)
  • 180 lbs x 3
  • 200 x 3
  • 210 x 8, 8, As many as possible
Assistant work:
  • DB rows 5×10
  • Dips 3×15
  • Box Jumps
This is just one day of a phase and should only be used as an example – in this case this workout would be after several weeks of accumulation.
The peroidization and big lifts in the Juggernaut Method get us closer to the Man of Steel workout. Throw in some extra skill and performance work like box jumps and bear crawls and you have something that should pack on pounds of supermass if you watch your nutrition.


One thing Mark Twight has talked about is something he throws in at the end of a workout–the tailpipe. This is a tag-team workout designed to work to exhaustion and teach correct breathing technique. Ideally you should have a partner, but if not, you can time your rows and hold the kettlebells for as long as the 250m takes you.
Tailpipe (at the end of the workout)
  • Row 250m
  • Hold two 24kg kettlebells in the ‘rack’ position while focusing on breathing
  • Rest 45 seconds. Swap places with your partner, then repeat until you’ve done three rows and three racks.
Why tailpipe? “When you’re done,” Twight explained, “it feels like you’ve been sucking on the tailpipe of a car.”

The Superman diet

Henry Cavill, the new Man of Steel, admitted to having a diet plan that made him have a daily intake of at least five thousand calories. He consumed several protein-rich meal replacement drinks per day to make up his calories. This included a post workout shake that could contain coconut milk, peanut butter, maltodextrin and whey protein.
“Mark Twight, the chap from Gym Jones, has been putting me through the ringer big time. Two hours a day on a mix of calories depending on what sort of work we’re doing. We started off at about 3,000 a day plus shake.”
“That’s about 3,500. But, two hours of work and then we moved up to 4,000 and then up to 5,000 calories. Now, we’ve dropped down to about 3,500 while we’re doing an hour’s training every morning because if I keep that high calorie intake I’m going to start putting on fat weight, but if I drop too low I’m going to start losing all the new muscle I’ve gained. But, an example of the sort of workouts we’ve been doing recently?

A caloric cycle for mass should focus on clean, high quality protein and good fat. Avoid simple sugars and junk eating like fast food to make up calories. A sample program could run like this:

Weeks 1-2: 3,500 calories including 1-2 MRP shakes per day
Weeks 3-6: 3,500 calories including 1-2 MRP shakes per day
Weeks 7-8: 4,000 calories including 1-2 MRP shakes per day
Weeks 9-10: 5,000 calories including 2-3 MRP shakes per day
Weeks 11-12: 3,500 calories including 1-2 MRP shakes per day

Sample 3,500 calorie Man of Steel diet:

Meal One
5 egg whites
2 eggs
½ cup oats
1 apple
multi-vitamin/fish oil
Meal Two
1 cup brown rice
1 chicken breast
1 cup broccoli
Meal Three
6 oz tuna
2 slices wheat bread
PWO shake (probably just water/whey)
and maybe a pear for carbs here
Meal Four (chicken wrap)
1 large 10″ flour tortilla
1 6-oz. chicken breast
½ cup lettuce (chopped)
½ tomato (diced)
Meal Five (shake + potato)
8 oz milk
1 cup oats
1 scoop whey
2 tbsp pb
sweet potato
Meal Six
1 cup cottage cheese
small yogurt mixed with CC for flavor

Sample 5,000 calorie Man of Steel diet:

Meal One
56 grams Protein powder
3 cups Milk (low fat)
2 cups Cereal, cold
2 cups Blueberries
6 tbsp Almonds, slivered
Meal Two
1/2 cup Cottage cheese (light / low fat)
56 grams Protein powder
2 cups Grapes
3 tbsp Barley
1 1/5 oz Sunflower seeds

Meal Three
4 1/2 oz Chicken breast
4 oz Cheese (low or non fat)
4 cups Vegetable soup
4 Crackers
3 whole Pita
12 Peanuts
Meal Four
49 grams Protein powder
1 1/2 cups Yogurt (plain and low fat)
1 1/2 tbsp Barley
3 tbsp Almonds, slivered
1 tsp Olive, Flax, Hemp or Salmon Oils
2 Tangerines
Meal Five
11 oz Beef (lean cuts)
4 cups Cauliflower
2 cups Rice
6 tbsp Almonds
1 1/3 cups Fruit juice
Meal Six
11 oz Turkey (breast, skinless)
2 cups Chickpeas
1 cup Mushrooms
1/4 cup Onions
1 head Lettuce
3 cups Cherry tomatoes
6 tbsp Almonds

That’s alot of eating. “I’m on 5000 calories a day… You’ve got to eat protein first, then a little bit of carbs… you’ve gotta keep your hunger levels going,” Henry Cavill says, “I’m training two and a half hours a day, pushing my body beyond its normal limits, putting on a lot of muscle mass and just making myself look like Superman.”
Saturday 13 August 2016
How Can I Find Home Health Care Jobs?

How Can I Find Home Health Care Jobs?

Home health care jobs are become more and more respected and widely used across America. Many patients that require health care are not in a position to be moved around or have no access to fixed travel arrangements. Home care employment are the answer to these problems, and are such extremely appreciated. These jobs range from short term to long term care. Cancer and dread disease patients will often require the services of home health care for a longer period of time than say, those suffering from a broken leg or debilitating sickness such as pneumonia. With the need for home health care jobs growing from year to year, so too are the available job postings. You can find a wealth of openings if you know where to look for them. 

Internet Resources

 There are numerous online portals that have vast listings of health jobs in homes in all states across America. There are specific medical recruitment agencies that specialize in health care jobs as well as those that advertise health care vacancies in all sectors, having a special division forhome health care jobs.

MedicalCenters and Hospitals

 There will always be references to homenursing jobs posted in hospitals or medical centers. Often patients who were seen to in these particular institutions will post a request for care at home with the doctors or staff there.

Job Fairs

 An extremely viable method of finding out what is available in the health care job sector.

Medical Publications

 Medical publications narrow down the target market to only medical practitioners who read these magazines and papers. This makes it easier for health care jobseekers to find exactly what it is that they are looking for.

Medical Associations

 Becoming a medical practitioner of any sort will more than likely require that you become part of an association. News of home care employment opportunities can easily be found through these resources.

Medical Directories

 Monthly or weekly listings that contain all matters of relevance to medical staff and practitioners. From equipment rentals or sales to space to let to job listings. 

Word of mouth

This is often one of the most trusted methods of spreading information and news. Notice of home health jobs by word of mouth are usually from a good source and will more often than not be directed towards people that are known to be capable and accomplished for the task at hand. These types of jobs can be advertised in this way, as welcoming a complete stranger into one's home is quite a touch call, even if it is for medical purposes.
Home health care jobs are always in abundance as more and more people are in need of expert care due to a rise in stress levels in our day and age. This leads to a rise in the contracting of dread diseases and falling ill. Add to that that there will always be ageing people requiring those who are opting for home care employment to help them live out full and comfortable lives.

Top Paying Public Health Jobs and How to Get Them

Top Paying Public Health Jobs and How to Get Them

As the world population in Western countries ages, environmental conditions and social infrastructure continue to deteriorate and demand for health care services increases, it is a fact that public health and environmental science will be growth industries. Earning a public health degree or environmental science degree from an Australian college can go a long way toward helping you to get a top-paying job in one of these expanding fields.
There are good reasons to study such subjects at a college in Australia. This country faces a number of interesting and difficult environmental issues as well as public health problems (Australians suffer from some of the world's highest rates of mesothelioma - read on); those who pursue degree programs in this country have an excellent opportunity to see these problems up close, as well as how they are being addressed.
Another reason to study in Australia; college overseas gives one a much broader perspective - and this is something that prospective employers appreciate.
health jobs

If you already have a public health degree, attending college in Australia is a good way to complete continuing education requirements and advance in your career. At an Australian college, you will have to opportunity to see how that society addresses many of the issues that faces the U.S. today and will be able to study what works, what doesn't, and why.
Prospective oncologists will have some unique opportunities in Australia. Colleges of medicine in this country are able to study what is a very rare disease. Asbestos cancer has been much more common in Australia than other parts of the world, as asbestos mining was a major industry for decades. While this is a tragedy, it provides those specializing in oncology to study this unusual form of the disease in a range of patients. This is only one reason why completing a public health degree in Australia is an excellent idea.
Environmental science is another part of public health policy, and here too, Australian colleges offer some unique opportunities. Not only is Australia unique in many ways, the country is facing some major challenges, having been in a state of drought for decades. An environmental science degree through a college in Australia affords the opportunity to study how Australians are managing increasingly scare water resources - yet another issue that is faced by many western states.
Jobs in Health Care

Jobs in Health Care

Jobs in health care offer you the chance to positively impact another person's life -- a great way to earn a living! What kind of jobs are available to you in the healthcare sector? That's what this article is about. In it, I will discuss with you several options you may wish to pursue, when it comes to jobs in health care.
The fact is there will always be a demand for health care. The only time there won't be a demand is when people stop getting sick. Besides being a doctor or specialist surgeon, there are many other jobs in health care that don't require you to complete 10 years of schooling. For example, all hospitals, as well as nursing homes, need nurses and nurses aids.
In fact, you don't even need a formal education to be a nurses aid, as there are programs that will help train you.
jobs in health care

Also, many healthcare jobs are available to those who have good administrative skills. While this doesn't mean you directly help care for sick people, you indirectly help them by making sure the healthcare facility is well run, and that resources are appropriately used. This is just as important as anything in the healthcare industry.
One type of career that is rising in popularity is a patient care technician. You can become a certified patient care technician by completing a program at an accredited college. The program will offer you the skills needed to perform specialized tasks such as urine analysis and hematology. In addition, you will have the capability to work in a hospital, a nursing home, and home health care facility, or an extended care facility.
Remember that jobs are not just related to the hospital environment. For example, a physical therapist is a great job for helping sick people get better, especially the physically sick. Think of all the jobs that are related to physical therapy, or being a physical therapist assistant.
Finally, the healthcare industry relies on the ability to quickly share information. This means that there are jobs in health care related to information technology. You can use your computer skills to help effectively manage and compile databases, as well as ensure patient safety is being administered.
In conclusion, I have given you several different jobs that you can use as idea starters to help you research jobs and health care even further.
Desk Job and Your Health

Desk Job and Your Health

Desk job and your health

What will you do if you have a desk job?

 Do you pay more attention to your health if you have a desk job? Do you feel that your lower abdomen is becoming more and more bigger than ever? Maybe you don't wake up to that your desk job is harming your health day by day, and what's more, year by year.
Marc Hamilton is a physiologist and professor at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La. As he told, "a sculpted six pack" won't diminish the harm caused by your office chair, even if you have 45 minutes exercises one day.
If you always sit on an chair, you will have a sedentary lifestyle by the end. So what is the sedentary lifestyle? It means that you sit on an chair all day, such as watching TV, work the computer, or even playing games on the computer. Of course, most of us have a sedentary lifestyle just because that we must work the computer and earn money to supply our family.
desk job and your health

In the society, we are waking up to that taking exercises is more important than ever. We want to have a high quality lifestyle. So we go to gym, we have a walk after dinner, we have a running at the morning. However, according to a research, if you are a desk worker, a desk job may literally be the end of us, no matter how many spin classes we take.
Sounds terrible! How is this possible? A report found that people with the highest levels of non-exercise activity burn significantly more calories than those who work out regularly. Sitting is bad to your health, especially to the heart disease. We can see a smoker, who smokes so much, and he doesn't have a good body. We also can see that a regular exerciser and those who don't have exercises at all, they have a different lifestyle and of course that they have a different body health.
At the last, we urge that people who have a desk work to get out of their chair. What's more, please have a regular exercise, have a regular daily schedule. When you go to the toilet, when you have a phone call, when you want to have water, get out of your chair, stand up to have 3 minutes exercises, using your time completely.
6 Ways to Handle Stress at Work

6 Ways to Handle Stress at Work

It is virtually impossible to eradicate all stress from our work lives. We can however, learn how to cope and manage it better. The most important factor to consider is to remind yourself that you do have choices and there are aspects that you can indeed control.

How to handle pressure and stress in the workplace

6 P's to Coping with Stress at Work

1. Plan

Start each day and week with a list of things you want to complete and achieve. This allows you not to have to worry about whether you are forgetting something or not. It is also a clear indicator of what you have achieved. Sticking to a schedule will mean you feel less overwhelmed. Last but not least, crossing something off a list once it is complete is immensely rewarding.

2. Prioritise

Have a clear understanding of your workload and concentrate on the tasks that are most urgent and linked to your most immediate targets and objectives. Make sure you do not procrastinate by tackling the most difficult and least enjoyable tasks first. If you leave these until the end it will zap your energy as you will be constantly thinking that you still need to do them.

3. Present

It is important to have goals and a bigger picture focus but do not allow this to detract you from the task at hand. Focus on the present and on completing the task rather than worrying about the outcome which you may not be able to control.

4. Pause

Stress can make you respond to certain situations in a less than appropriate and desirable manner. Try to study and analyse specific circumstances before you act and if necessary come up with a plan to keep you on track.

5. Pass on

Accept that you cannot do everything. You cannot be everywhere. You are only human and not omnipresent. This will not only release you of some of your workload it will also be an opportunity for someone to get involved in something different which is motivating for them. Two birds with one stone.

6. People

There are all sorts of personalities in the office and some will have the natural gift of rubbing you the wrong way. Learn how to exercise your listening skills by not reacting to provocations. When people around you seem to be going into panic mode, remind yourself not to take things too seriously. Use humour to diffuse a situation by sharing a joke or a funny story (either out loud or just in your head).
Remember that we live in a fast paced society where stress is almost an unavoidable part of everyday life. The key is not to allow excessive demands to overload you and leave you to feel a lack of control. By becoming aware and dealing with stress in the workplace, you are in effect also affecting your personal self who will be more relaxed and positive. If you are less tense you will not allow yourself to get aggravated by every little incident, so you will notice a decrease in the number of potentially stressful situations that present themselves at you. A delightful vicious circle!
How do you keep your cool and stay calm under pressure?

How to Deal With Stress at Work

How to Deal With Stress at Work

 Is your stress is coming in the way of your great great? Here are the few stress reduction tips to deal with stress at work. Stress is the ultimate villain of your life. Deal with it carefully.
stress at work

1. Acknowledge that being stressed at work does not equal doing a good job

 You may think your boss has to see you stressed to understand how hard you work. But letting the job stress get to you actually keeps you from doing your best. Your mind will be sharper, and you'll get more done, with a good night's sleep.
Organize the end of each work day to be ready for the next one, and you'll feel more confident going home. Get some exercise to work off tension, or do some enjoyable activity to refresh your mind. Turn off your phone, don't check your work email, and reclaim your evenings. Clear your mind before bed, and start fresh tomorrow.

2. Evaluate where your stress is coming from

 Is it the work itself? Are you confused or feeling in over your head? If so, a good boss would rather you ask for clarification than do things wrong. Ask if extra training is available, or take classes to further your understanding. The more you know, the less apt you are to feel overwhelmed.
Look at all the other sources of job stress the same way. It could be your co-workers, your work schedule, or a non-stop pace. Dealing with each stressor individually is far more effective than trying to tackle them together.

3. Drop the gossip

 Gossip in the workplace is a parasite. It constantly needs feeding, and only leaves bad feelings wherever it goes. At first, you may have just wanted to belong. But if the gossipers talk about everyone else, before long you'll begin to worry what they say about you. You'll stress about who might want your job, or whatever else someone might do to sabotage your career.
When you pull yourself away from workplace gossip, a lot of stress at work will magically disappear.

4. You are not responsible for other people's problems

 Are you the person co-workers and subordinates turn to for support? It's nice to feel needed, until you are weighed down with their personal problems. A great boss reminded me once that camp counselor was not in my job description. It was a valuable lesson that helped me lose a lot of stress at work, and probably helped the other people learn to cope on their own.

5. If the job is wrong for you admit it and consider a change

 Sometimes what was a great job once becomes not so great any more. Maybe the work itself changed, or the people you valued are gone. Or maybe you knew from day one.
Continue to do the best work you can, because you owe it to them and yourself to do so. But begin to plan an exit strategy from a position of strength. Studies have shown that a lot of job stress occurs when we have little control. Taking control of your future, and moving to a job that is a better fit, can make a significant change in how you feel, so you'll have far less stress at work to deal with.

What's your biggest stress at work? Let us know in the comments, and don't forget to share us on social media. We love hearing from you.
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